Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Winding Down

Well, it's the last week of the term. We're busy getting our labels made for our collections and cramming more scientific names into our heads. I feel like I am never making enough flash cards!

To add to Daniella's post about tips, I'm going to add another of my own:

If you're in a class that has anything to do with water (which is all of them I think), bring a disposable underwater camera and print and scan them to your blog when you get home. That way, you won't be like me and filing a claim on your poor drowned digital camera. Mine got sucker punched by Lake Erie. Not a good thing when you've become addicted to taking pictures of EVERYTHING! On a positive note, maybe I can get an even better, waterproof one for next year? We shall see!

See you in a week!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I have found it on this website called [url=http://tipswift.com]tip swift[/url]. You can find it there.
edit: wrong post